City Oversight of First Adjustments to New Network
Overview In March of 2023, city ordinances were changed to assign all Department of Transportation oversight to only one body -- the Transportation Commission. The Transportation Policy and Planning Board no longer existed. Rather, with a slightly larger size (11 vs. 9 voting members and 2 alternates), the one Commission became tasked with Consider[ing], develop[ing], and recommend[ing] for adoption by the Common Council transportation policies and plans for all elements of the City's transportation system including updates to the Transit Priority Network (from the new City Ordinance 33.56). Although unlike with the former Board, recognition was given to the existence of a disabled population and the City's Civil Rights Department continues to recognize disabled people as an underrepresented population, such ordinance revision continued rewriting our notions of equity: One (1) member must be knowledgeable of equity issues and the needs of marginalized communities; one (1) member must be knowledgeable of issues facing people with disabilities ... (as if disabled people are not marginalized?)
First Minor Tweaks -Item #5 on Transportation Commission's Meeting Agenda of July 12, 2023 and Put in Effect August 20, 2023
Metro's 7-12-2023 Direction to Staff to Implement the Network Redesign Refinements
Summary of Metro Redesign Postimplementation Feedback presented 7-12-2023
Detailed Postimplementation Feedback (82 pages)
Tracking / Trip Planning Issues on Routes D + E - Jonathan Mertzig
Friday and Saturday Evening Bus Service and Route D - Olivia Plunkett
Second Set of Alterations - Agenda Item #5 Including Public Hearing on Design Refinements on Transportation Commission's Sept. 27, 2023 Meeting
Two oral testimonies -- live stream from 1:20:45 to 1:29:48. The whole item including Metro's presentation at the beginning goes from 1:01:38 to 1:32:20